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Italian Articles | DEFINITION AND USE


And here we are again! Let’s start today with another cornerstone of Italian grammar: the Italian Articles are always linked to nouns so it’s easy to remember them and also to expand your Italian vocabulary!

As regards Italian pronunciation of articles, they are quite easy to pronounce but very difficult to link with nouns (it’s not easy to understand if a noun is feminine or masculine). 

  • For example: the article LA is pronounced in the same way as LA in cLAssification.

The Italian article can be defined as an “accessory” and is always linked to the noun to which it refers and from which it takes its type and number.

Shortly, I would almost say that the article and the word are linked by an infinite love!

To start, like every element that is a part of speech, the articles have their own categorization too.

The Italian Articles are divided into 3 categories:


First of all, definite articles refer to a specific noun. 

The masculine singular of the definite article is IL / LOil cane – il marito / the dog – the husband – lo zucchero / the sugar – lo sport / the sport – l’ombrello / the umbrella – lo gnomo / the dwarf – lo iodio / the iodine
The feminine singular of the definite article is LAla casa / the house – la mamma / the mother
The masculine plural of the definite article is I/GLIi cani/the dogs – gli animali/the animals
The feminine plural of definite article is LEle mani/ the hands – le case/the houses
The masculine singular of the indefinite article is UN / UNOun cane / a dog – uno sport / a sport
The feminine singular of the indefinite article is UNAuna casa / a home – una donna / a woman

Plus, it is very important to know that in Italian vocabulary and grammar the plural of indefinite articles does not exist, just like in English where you can’t have a plural of ‘a’ or ‘an’.

And now let’s move on to partitive articles!

First of all, you just need to know that they refer to an undetermined quantity.

Singular partitive articles refer to uncountable nouns and indicate
while in the plural they are expressed with
un po’ di – a little bit of
alcuni / e – some
The masculine partitive article is DEL/DELLO and the plural is DEI/DEGLI del pane / some bread – del vino / some wine – dei limoni / some lemons – dei cani / some dogs – dello zucchero / some sugar – dello strudel / some strudel – degli armadi / some cabinets – degli stracci / some rags
The feminine partitive article is DELLA and the plural is DELLEdella frutta / some fruit – della crema /some cream – delle mele / some apples – delle caramelle / some candies

Every time you have to choose which Italian article to use, I suggest you consult an Italian vocabulary! Theory is important but it can also be difficult to learn so it’s best to move on to practice!

Here is a video for an in-depth look at the articles

Ok, at first glance everything sounds very confusing but pay attention: the only way to learn Italian articles is to read and to practice.

Each grammar rule is easier to remember when put into context.